Despite the fears of further changes to pension tax reliefs and allowances, none were announced in the Chancellor’s speech today. He confirmed the plan to change the State Pension to a single tier above the means test, at a minimum of £140 per week. This will be for future pensioners.
The personal tax threshold will increase from £7,475 to £8,105 from April 2012; and to £9,205 from April 2013. The age allowance for people above age 65 will be phased out by freezing it until the normal personal allowance catches up with it.
The 50% top tax rate will drop to 45% from April 2013. More people will pay higher rate tax of 40%, as the threshold is reduced from £42,475 to £41,450 from April 2012.
The corporation tax rate for large companies will drop from 26% to 24% in April, and will be cut further to 22% in 2014, with a view to further cuts down to 20%, the rate currently paid by smaller companies with profits less than £300,000. The Chancellor wants to align the personal tax rate of 20% with the corporation and small business tax rates.
The controversial withdrawal of child benefit from higher rate taxpayers will be changed so that it is gradually withdrawn above £50,000, at a rate of 1% of the benefit for every £100 earned.
Stamp Duty Land Tax on residential property has been increased from 5% to 7% for properties selling for more than £2m; and if the property is held in a corporate structure the tax will be 15%, with immediate effect. There may also be capital gains tax payable on properties held in overseas companies.
UK inflation is expected to fall from 2.8% this year to 1.9% next year. The growth forecast for 2013 is 2% and 2.7% for 2014.
The government will consult on issuing gilts with a term of more than 50 years, possibly allowing them to borrow for the very long term at very favourable rates.
Risk warnings
This document has been prepared based on our understanding of current UK law and HM Revenue and Customs practice, both of which may be the subject of change in the future. The opinions expressed herein are those of Cantab Asset Management Ltd and should not be construed as investment advice. Cantab Asset Management Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. As with all equity-based and bond-based investments, the value and the income therefrom can fall as well as rise and you may not get back all the money that you invested. The value of overseas securities will be influenced by the exchange rate used to convert these to sterling. Investments in stocks and shares should therefore be viewed as a medium to long-term investment. Past performance is not a guide to the future. It is important to note that in selecting ESG investments, a screening out process has taken place which eliminates many investments potentially providing good financial returns. By reducing the universe of possible investments, the investment performance of ESG portfolios might be less than that potentially produced by selecting from the larger unscreened universe.