Risk level


Equity exposure


Fixed Interest/Alternatives

What is the fund’s investment objectives?

The investment objective of the Moderate fund is to provide income and capital growth over the medium to long term by gaining exposure to a diversified portfolio of investments. There is a slightly lower exposure to riskier assets in the Moderate fund than the Balanced fund.

The Moderate Fund includes holdings in UK and overseas equities, together with loans to governments and larger companies. Typical long-term asset allocation is around 55% equities and 45% in assets such as fixed interest, property and alternatives. Appropriate benchmark: ARC Steady Growth. Sector: IA Mixed Investment 40-85% Shares.

Cantab’s Moderate fund offers a diverse and risk-adjusted strategy to suit a more cautious investor

Investments include equities, bonds and alternative assets such as property and infrastructure, principally through investment in funds.

Data as at 31 January 2025
If you would like more information, please contact us.

Risk warning:
The value of investments and the income therefrom is not guaranteed and can fall as well as rise due to stock market and currency movements. When you sell your investment, you may get back less than you originally invested. The value of overseas securities will be influenced by the rate of exchange which is used to convert these to sterling. The opinions expressed herein are those of Cantab Asset Management Ltd and should not be construed as investment advice. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.